Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Host a Green Cleaning Party!

Recent cord blood studies of infants at birth found over
200 different chemicals!

If that grabs your attention ( and I sure hope to goodness it does) please continue on to learn more about the plague of toxic chemicals we all deal with and what you can do about it!

Instead of trying to paraphrase what my amazing friend Imani over at Busy Moms Go Green wrote so perfectly...I just copied it here for your edutainment. Please read...and consider having your own green cleaning party! Mine is scheduled for April 12th.

Here's your chance to take action!
Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) is a national, women-centered environmental health and justice organization that works to eliminate or substantially reduce environmental toxics impacting human health and to increase women’s participation in environmental decision-making. For the month of April they are helping women across the country host Green Cleaning parties for families and friends to inform them about the toxicity of products on the market and how to replace them with non-toxic cleaners they make themselves.

Toxic chemicals invade us in every arena of our lives. There are some 85,000 chemicals in the consumer marketplace and only a fraction of them have ever been tested for their impact on human health. Many of these chemicals are now known or suspected to contribute to a long list of diseases including cancer, developmental disabilities, heart disease, infertility, and reproductive harm. Many of us use cleaners to create a clean and healthy environment. But some of the products you use may actually be harmful to your health. Certain household cleaners contain toxic chemicals linked to birth defects, fertility problems, asthma and more.
EPA research has found that the air inside the typical house contains levels of pollution 2-5 times higher than the air outside and in extreme cases can be 100 times more polluted. Nowadays the average American spends about 90% of time indoors! According to a study of human fatty tissue samples, every American man, woman and child carries at least 700 pollutants in his or her body and the average sample in breast milk produced by American women contains over 100 contaminants. Recent cord blood studies of infants at birth found over 200 different chemicals!

The use of synthetic chemicals is a big industry: a 17 billion dollar cleaning product industry and a 35 billion dollar cosmetics industry with the majority of these chemicals being unregulated and untested. Currently there are over 80,000 chemical compounds in existence and less than 10% have been adequately evaluated for human or environmental safety.

In the US alone, more than 500,000 chemical products are available to consumers with more being produced each year and our government continues to overlook the severity of the issue. This is insane! Let’s use our dollars and demand products that are not damaging to us or the planet! Together, we are powerful!Mother Earth is speaking loud and clear these days in an attempt to communicate her distress. We need to take immediate action to remedy her ailments within our own homes. Seemingly harmless everyday items such as toilet bowl cleaners, laundry detergents, shampoos, cosmetics air fresheners, antibacterial soaps as well as the prescription medicines we take - are polluting our planet as they wash down our drains.

Consider hosting your very own Green Cleaning party! Get all the details HERE

Their website provides everything you need to know to host a party as well as informative fact, including WVE’s Household Hazard report. By hosting a party, you will help spread the word about an important environmental health issue.

SO when is your party???? Mine is April 13. You are invited of course...maybe a conference party???


♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

thanks for sharing this - it is so important we take action now as a community.

I will do my bit.

Thanks for your comments on my birth story. I appreciate your comments.

cherry said...

This is a brilliant idea. I'm starting to do my share and I hope I influence my family and friends.

Linda said...

Hi...your entrecard widget isn't appearing...I get message "This XML file does not appear to have any style information...."

You might want to reinstall the widget! I'd have dropped if I could have!

Alison said...

Wow. Some of those stats are really scary. Imagine the inside of your house being 100 times more polluted than outside! "Home sweet home" indeed.
Thanks for the info.
I've tagged you for a meme, if you want to play :)