happy hump day.
grant cried when he left this morning....ugh....it hurts. he cried again when dave left him....that was a first. grandma neal says he is just getting to that age...which doesnt make it any easier. times like this just intensify my urges to be a sahm.
we think he is saying bubble now! sure does sound like it. dave sings the bubble song to him all the time...complete with lip flipping.."Bubble, bubble, bubble....B is for bubble in bubble gum...and B is my brother who brought me some..and me & my brother love bubble gum...Bubble bubble bubble " so that must be the inspiration...he doesnt even know what a bubble is yet...but i have 3 jars waiting to be blown so thats on my agenda this fine evening.
grant was much more mello last night thank goodness! another night of crazy baby might just do me in. we had fun and he was his cute adorable charming self again........ahhhhhhhhh.
we are going to introduce grant to the proper use of a toilet tonight ( no its not for playing in!!!!) im so excited. my motherly instincts were telling me that he wanted to learn...that he yearned for the freedom and independence...then after doing just a bit of research...i found that its not too early at all to start. in fact lots of parents are starting even before 6 months old...which i think is a bit much...but to each their own! so fingers crossed...he will be at a bare minimum pooping in the big boy pot very very soon. i know people whose kids are trained by 18 months. i do find it strange and bewildering to have so many 3 year olds still in diapers! of course...ive never had a 3 year old so i shouldnt judge...but im just saying.
this weekend we are going to start painting the white trim on the house.......ho hum....will this ever be over? the white will certainly make the blue look all that much brighter and truly pop. i dont care if peeps make fun of my blue house (example my boss, his wife & other coworkers). its a gorgeous slightly dramatic shade that I saw on beach homes while in florida.. and it looked great down there! maybe it will grow on my old fashioned peers. luckily my neighbors claim to love it...at least the ones i care about.
i promise that i am trying to get back in the work groove...but its coming back very very slowly! i need to study for a test too...should get it done this month before my july deadline starts punching me in the face. my sister in law called last night with a job lead down where she lives...near the lake of the ozarks. although i would love to live by her and our other family members in mid missouri...its hard to think about moving when i have such a great job here. never hurts to dream though.
and remember....take risks...but be accountable. ( i love that!...and remind grant repeatedly)
1 comment:
Two things:
1. I love the color blue you are using! But Matt would never go for it either...
2. ABSOLUTELY start potty-training Grant now! Child development experts say there is a small window between 12 and 18 mos where a child is willing and able to PT. Most parents don't recognize it that early and hence we have 3- and 4-yr-olds wearing diapers!
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