Another road trip awaits. I gotta say...not clocking in at a regular job....has its perks!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Checking In to Say Hello
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bloomin Onion
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Strider Bike Review
Monday, June 23, 2008
Goodbye George & Hello Reusable Bags

"The wisest man I ever knew taught me something I never forgot.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death." -GC
Very sturdy
Holds A LOT of stuff...these are the size of a traditional paper bag...but with handles!
Stays open for easy packing and folds up flat...just like paper bags.
Made from 50% recycled content..including plastic bottles
The produce bags are made of organic cotton and are very large
Made using fair wages / fair labor
Makes a great gift (I gave a set to my parents)
Are handy for carrying anything..not just groceries. I use them for overnight trips, picnics etc.
Helps make a difference in the war against the plague of plastic bags:
"Over a billion single-use plastic bags are given out for free each day. But as the old adage says, nothing comes for free. Here are some facts to illustrate the actual costs paid by our environment and society for the fleeting convenience of unlimited, free, single-use plastic bags. To see the real costs, we must look at the "cradle to grave" multiple impacts and the effects of each phase of a bag's life."
You have to remember to bring them into the store with you for them to work :)
They are pricey ($50 plus shipping) - but you are getting a set of 8
They are not as pretty and cool as other brands
They are so big that sometimes they may be filled too heavy for some folks (so they need to remind the bagger to fill them only half way etc)
Overall...I am very happy with this set...
thanks Marissa for the recommendation!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summa Summa Summatime
Within days though...I promise to review 3 V interesting and V intriguing products that we have been using for awhile now....
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Paula has now left the internet
Miss you
Happy Daddy Day
To celebrate Dad we did what dad It was Grant's first golf game. We kept cool by eating watermelon slices and ice cubes. He really enjoyed the first nine....then he and I headed home to let daddy relax and enjoy the last nine. I am just starting to learn the game. It would be a nice thing for us to share together...and driving the cart is so much fun :).
Happy Fathers Day to all the good daddys out there! Keep up the good work.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
More of the Grant on Guitar
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles
Happy Hump Day folks. Whats happening? I cant believe its basically mid June already! Where does time go anyhoo?
Some updates:
**I WON something!!! Even more surprising...I won something online! It really can happen. Eco Mama blessed me with this ROCKN California Baby (a fav of mine) tote stuffed with tiny products. THANKS Mama! Your too good. Please do go visit her. She always has great info on ways to create deeper shades of green within your own busy life. Grant is hooked up for a while now. Still need their sunscreen though.
Here he is enjoying the bubble bath
**I am online again for real this time (fingers crossed). Turns out the guy who installed it the first time (2 weeks ago) failed to do his job. He was lazy I suppose and did not replace the archaic reuters that they are always supposed to replace when they come across them. At least its taken care of now. Ahhhhhhhh. Breath in breath out.
Grant met his second turtle at the we are always looking for turtles and frogs (which he met at the last lake visit)
** I did not get the fancy job that I didnt really want but did apply for and did get in the top 5 of 81 and very possibly the top 2 (they checked references). By the time the rejection letter came, I was disappointed. No one likes to be rejected even if it is "not for personal reasons".
** Grant (now 23 months old) has a fever. Came on last night and we spent over 2 hours wiggling in discomfort and eating ice cream for healing. Today he is lethargic and needy..but honestly its easier on ol mom than his normal high energy stunts. Poor baby
**I did apply for a library the children's programming assistant. Its part time...10am - 2pm and would be fun even if its certainly a move down financially and career wise. would be hella fun and would keep my resume active.
**I like not having a job (hell ya)...but staying with Grant 100% of the time is harder than working and I knew that was going to be the case.
**We have nice neighbors and Grant has friends. Living in the hood ain't so bad :)