Today is the day.....Grant is officially 18 months old! Craziness I tell you! How can it be? My little baby burrito has metamorphosed into a little man...with a huge personality, a big imagination, a gigantic heart and a serious opinion on everything.
He was such an angel over the weekend. Such a complete flip from last week...when one evening I had to put myself in a time out so I didn't blister his bottom. The kid knows how to press buttons...and he is so darn good at it. But fortunately..its all ebb and flow...and most of the time he is just easy going and darling to be around.
This weekend we had good times. Saturday night he was able to spend hours playing with his best bud TJ. Dave and I actually went out on a DATE! We had uninterrupted sushi dinner (aka no child throwing rice) followed by a live show! It was magical. We caught Andy McKee at the Bottleneck. What a perfect show to share with my husband. Andy rocks some amazing guitar finger styling...truly spectacular. We had FUN! And Grant was asleep by TJs house. It was wacky wild. He signed to Desiree (TJs Mom)that he wanted to go to sleep so she tucked him in with a book...and he complained just a couple times...not crying just complaining...and then to dreamland. I am so proud of you big boy. We swooped him up around midnight and took him home with us where we snuggled and slept soundly together. Such a delightful date night! Thanks Desiree for being the best babysitter ever...and a truly good friend.
Sunday...was low key. Daddy had to work. But Grant and I played all day...took a seriously long nap..and then off to the park for a play date...with who else but TJ! They played sooo cute. Des and I had our mom talk time...and enjoyed watching them toddle around. She shared with me a video she had taken the night before...of them imaginatively playing. The night's grand finale was TJ plunging into a half foot of icy cold snow melt!
Grant..I want to write you a sum up all that you are doing these days...and all the love we have for you. It will have to wait a bit..but I promise to do Baby Amore so beautifully wrote for her little ones Sam and Joel.
Happy Birthday little boy Grant. I love you to the moon and back.
Hi Paula - Happy 18 months to your precious little boy - he is a doll.
I'm Kellan, BTW - very nice to meet you. Hope to see you soon.
thanks for the kind comments and linky love Paula -
Happy 18 months old wishes to Grant.
he is adorable. That expression is so sweet. I love the comment to the Moon and back too.
I do know that many mums can't BF or their babies won't (like J for 5 months) so it has been a blessing for me to have been able to.
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