
This boy looooooves apples
See the juice drippin from his lip? Its a juicy yum yum apple
How much you got in there? Open your mouth (he is SO good about this and it doubles as a nice trick for the doctors too). Chew chew chew.
Visited with Nana and Papa on Saturday
Created a magical land of flowers and eggs for the toddlers to hunt in (yes it looked like a bunny cemetary). Grant totally ROCKED. He knew exactly what to do and did it well. It was hilarious.
Grant chilled with his cousins and learned to sissy fight (that should go over well at day care) We had a wonderful visit..and although exhausting...it was great.
Grant is the poster child for bumps and bruises from the risks associated with running and jumping (and tripping and falling). When the spine is jarred it can cause misalignment. So anytime Grant gets injured (like his recent cranial hematoma) we take him in. We also take him on a regular, monthly basis, to just check his overall health. We originally took him for the breathing challenges & reflux. Although it did not heal him, it did lessen the symptoms and I do believe it helps him feel better overall. They always say (the chiropractors), that misalignment causes dis ease...and alignment thus creates ease and health.
We are so blessed that not only is Grant's chiropractor amazingly talented and experienced with children, but they also DO NOT CHARGE for children! How beautiful is that? They want children to be served and they know that most parents will not or cannot spend the cash to take them. Thank you Dr Chris and Dr Colleen!
I could not agree more! Grant can nurse and be a whole new boy...like a 30 minute nap. He can come to me sour and leave a super hero.
Baldwin continues: "Meeting a child's dependency needs is the key to helping that child achieve independence. And children outgrow these needs according to their own unique timetable." Children who achieve independence at their own pace are more secure in that independence then children forced into independence prematurely.
This is where so many are mistaken. They
The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends thatbreastfeeding continue throughout the first year of life and that "Breastfeeding beyond the first year offers considerable benefits to both mother and child, and should continue as long as mutually desired." They also note that "If the child is younger than two years of age, the child is at increased risk of illness if weaned." (AAFP 2001)
A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990)
The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age or beyond (WHO 1992, WHO 2002).
Thanks to Alexandra at Watching Clouds for inspiring this post with the comment:
"I've been a regular reader of your Blog.I truly enjoy reading it.However,I'm wondering how long you plan to nurse?I mean isn't it time for a child this age to stop nursing?"
This is not an uncommon thought process in this country so you speak for the masses. Hopefully, though with time and access to information and research, we can learn and embrace extended nursing. We need to educate our doctors (who spend very very little time on nutrition and breastfeeding in medical school) and stand up for our rights to nurture our children the way nature intended.