My parents left for their home in St. Louis this morning. How good of them to come out to take care of Grant for a he did not have to go back to day care while his poor little head was healing. It was great having them around and we actually didn't even get on each others nerves too bad!
My husband treats my parents very well. This is such a wonderful amenity. My EX was just the opposite. He hated my parents and they reciprocated.. The family events I did attend I went to alone and many times I missed them all together to avoid turmoil. Times sure have changed...for the better! Hallelujah.
Grant is still bruised and sore but looks much prettier now that the raccoon eyes are not so dark. He is in fact at day care today...and Des just called and said they were all playing very nicely and that he hadn't hurt his head at all. So glad she called. I know he is V excited to be back amongst his buddies!
I'm busy at work preparing for the big teen battle of the bands this friday! 3rd annual already. This year I took it up a notch by having event shirts printed up. I decided to have a design contest which I promoted at the middle and high schools. The chosen artist receives VIP passes to the event, free tshirts, glow stick and all you can drink bottled water at the event hehe! They turned out awesome (see pic)! The back says "this ain't guitar hero" which I gleaned from one of the entries...that artist also receives the vip package for her contribution. I am really excited about the shirts...and hope they sell sell sell. We shall see. For now I am promoting like a banchee.
Forgive me for being lack luster...I'm just beat...and busy...and boring.
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