Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The End Has Come
Thank you so very very much indeed for checkin in on us over here...and even reading some words every once in while. It has been a VERY fun ride..and I am so happy that I kept up with it as timely as I did. However...I just do not have the gumption to keep it going. I have decided to start a completely anonymous blog. Sweet freedom here I come :)
Bless you for coming here.
There will be no more updates.
Peace Out
Friday, July 25, 2008
Back Home
I had to rush home today to look at a house my husband was just thrilled over. It is cute....and across from a park AHHHHHHH. However the rooms are pretty darn small...and I did not fall in love with the place.
Gotta run...but I wanted you to know that I am back. Thanks for your patience. I do have some big news....and blog suicide is the theme.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Beautiful Eggs
Thursday, July 17, 2008
How old is too old to breastfeed?
The group had varying ages of children....all the way from a tiny 2 week an almost 5 year old...ALL still nursing. So Grant was not the oldest...and that was a great added value for me. I realized that the pressure I have been getting to wean had been weighing on me...and being around other "sustained breastfeeding relationships" was encouraging and intriguing. I checked out two books from their lending is Nursing Toddlers and the other is How Weaning Happens.
My nursing toddler is begging for attention, so I must go. However.....this topic is on my mind...and I really want to blog about it. I know that the average person is estranged from long term there is no doubt a curiosity about it. I myself have hang old is "too old"? I certainly do not see Grant nursing at.....well I used to think 3 but now I am not so sure. The more I read and research and learn and grow as a mother....the more I question my breastfeeding breastfeeding rules and regulations.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Gone Camping
I must say that we did NOT rough it however. We borrowed my very generous brother in law's adorable little TAP (camper) and rolled on out of town with our king size bed in tow. I failed to get pictures that truly captured the fun of Grant's first camping trip. He did make up a camping song that proved to me without a doubt that he LOVES camping hehe. It went something like this:
la la la, la la la, CAMPING (claps)
la la la, la la la, CAMPING (claps)
It was SOOOO cute. Wish the camcorder would have been going for that one.
We enjoyed a fire (hotttt....moke as Grant noted), a gorgeous view of the lake from our camp site, a suprisingly comfortable outdoor temperature, Grant's first ride on a Sea Doo (jet ski), swimming in the lake, picking up lots of sticks and rocks, a conservation program on animals that come out at night, using flashlights (BIG hit right now!!), cooking on the fire (although it was really just heating up a stromboli sandwich) and lots of socialization. It was a great time.
See the Tab in the background? Thats a sweet little camper I tell you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
White Boys Can Dance
Somehow I had managed to mess up the start we showed up to NO class. Fortunately they were SUPER sweet and invited us to participate in the 3-5 year old class that had just started. I was so relieved...because I had been tempting him all day to dancing with kids..and I hated to lie of such wonderment.
The funniest part was when I saw a little girl whisper repetitively in Grant's ear..."You're a're a boy". Grant just SMILED the biggest grin. It was hilarious.
Tonight we actually start his real...toddlin twos class. The "mess up" seems to be working to our advantage because tonight he will not have the extreme newness that kids have the first class. It was SO much fun to watch him interact and sometimes follow directions...and most importantly have a GREAT time. Who knows if we will actually sign up for another month...but for now...he is experiencing something new.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ugliest Birthday Cake Ever
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Child Development Manager
Changing the bed sheets for example...not only did he help (and take off all the pillow cases) but we talked about the pieces that make up a bed...the bed, pad, sheets and pillows. Then he helped me load them in the washer...and later dryer..and then of course making the bed hours later. The school of life indeed.
I find myself really getting in sync with my son and the rhythm of being a "not employed outside the home" mom...a 'full time care giver"....a "career mama". This lifestyle suits me just fine and I would not trade these moments for a million dollars.....seriously.Things are starting to settle down and I really love where we are right now.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Grant!
Can it be that 2 years ago today I was having my first early labor contractions? I was at work and noticed that my lower abdominal "cramps" were happening over and over...maybe I should start noting the times. After lunch I decided to stay home...I was feeling strange and those darn cramps were not going away. By 5PM I wanted to call the midwife and check in. She told me to go to the movies. By 6PM I was in active labor.....translation...IN MADD PAIN. The contractions turned from tolerable to HOLY SHIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. We still needed to shower and that took awhile. It was not until 9PM that we stumbled into the birth center. I was 9 cm ! Grant was up high so I had lots of pushing to attend to (which started on the drive :( ). He was born at 10:56PM!!!!!
Will post the birth story as soon as I find it!!! grrrrrr.
Happy birthday dear son Grant Paul!!!!! You rocked my world and turned it upside down! You are gorgeous and smart and sweet and funny....I love your idiosyncrasies and oddness...I even love your rebellious spirit. Thank you for making me into a better person...and a mother. Life will never be the same again. to write him a letter. (each year I archive a birthday letter to Grant..and will give them all to him someday...either his 18th...or when he moves out...haven't decided yet.)
Have a great seven seven.
Here is Grant finger painting with flour/water/food coloring paint. I think he would rather use guess what he is getting for his birthday? (well besides the balance bike)
Zen moment sitting on basketball (that he can dribble now)
Birthday dinner at Serras (yum) ...first candle of the birthday
Mixing his birthday cake with mom on the kitchen counter (that is his smile for the camera...isnt it hilarious) Oh and the cake turned out hilarious too!!Will post pic tomorrow. It is the UGLIEST cake ever. Hope it tastes better than it looks. Note to self...practice cake decoration.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture! Is that not the cutest face? The garden is nice too :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
|Happy |My| Favorite| Number |Day
I read this on the register at a local diner....and it makes me laugh everytime Ithink of it
Monday, June 30, 2008
Checking In to Say Hello
Another road trip awaits. I gotta say...not clocking in at a regular job....has its perks!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bloomin Onion
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Strider Bike Review
Monday, June 23, 2008
Goodbye George & Hello Reusable Bags

"The wisest man I ever knew taught me something I never forgot.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death." -GC
Very sturdy
Holds A LOT of stuff...these are the size of a traditional paper bag...but with handles!
Stays open for easy packing and folds up flat...just like paper bags.
Made from 50% recycled content..including plastic bottles
The produce bags are made of organic cotton and are very large
Made using fair wages / fair labor
Makes a great gift (I gave a set to my parents)
Are handy for carrying anything..not just groceries. I use them for overnight trips, picnics etc.
Helps make a difference in the war against the plague of plastic bags:
"Over a billion single-use plastic bags are given out for free each day. But as the old adage says, nothing comes for free. Here are some facts to illustrate the actual costs paid by our environment and society for the fleeting convenience of unlimited, free, single-use plastic bags. To see the real costs, we must look at the "cradle to grave" multiple impacts and the effects of each phase of a bag's life."
You have to remember to bring them into the store with you for them to work :)
They are pricey ($50 plus shipping) - but you are getting a set of 8
They are not as pretty and cool as other brands
They are so big that sometimes they may be filled too heavy for some folks (so they need to remind the bagger to fill them only half way etc)
Overall...I am very happy with this set...
thanks Marissa for the recommendation!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summa Summa Summatime
Within days though...I promise to review 3 V interesting and V intriguing products that we have been using for awhile now....
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Paula has now left the internet
Miss you
Happy Daddy Day
To celebrate Dad we did what dad It was Grant's first golf game. We kept cool by eating watermelon slices and ice cubes. He really enjoyed the first nine....then he and I headed home to let daddy relax and enjoy the last nine. I am just starting to learn the game. It would be a nice thing for us to share together...and driving the cart is so much fun :).
Happy Fathers Day to all the good daddys out there! Keep up the good work.